Doing it in Swedish
While I was in Lund, Sweden this spring, I sat down for fika (a little afternoon sweet snack with coffee or tea) with journalist Tor Billgren. Tor interviewed me for Swedish radio.In the interview I speak about my marriage, my time at Love in Action, ex-gay "success" and the Ex-Gay Survivor Conference. I also do a short excerpt of Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House where Chad and Vlad talk about the program rules.
I asked Tor about the broadcast details of the interview.
It was aired by Sverige Radio (The National Broadcasting Association) on channel P1 on June the 29th. The program is called "Människor och tro" (Humans and belief) and is a journalistic magazine which deals with religion, beliefs and clashes within the world of faith.Although some of it is in Swedish, the bulk of the interview is in English. You can have a listen here.
Before the interview the host gave a short summary of the ex gay-movement, and introduced your project and that your conference took place in the same city as the Exodus-conference. And then you explain how you chose the location.
Peterson, I've said this before, but after almost ten years of ministry work, I know it doesn't get said near enough.
I am almost overwhelmed with gratitude for you and for your voice. There is nothing more Christlike than lending your voice to speak for the voiceless. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. I'm privileged to call you "friend."
Both you and Tor are people making the world a better place!
(You spelled fika with a t instead of a f)
Good stuff...ja
....what would have happened if you told him your partner in activism is a norske?
uff da
thanks for you sweet comment in uglyland. you are one busy man.
i know there is just the right joke somewhere for the post title but i'm not the girl for the job. wish i were.
You'll talk to just about anyone these days, won't you? Regardless of what good you've done I still view you as my favorite media whore (too bad I don't know how to write that in Swedish).
joe g, how dare YOU! Can't you hear my cry for help? Ever since you shut down your podcast, I was without an outlet. I was drying up like prune on the dashboard on an August day in Texas.
And now you have come back as a podcaster but are so wrapped up in yourself, you have no time for me or my friends. Joe G. I hated to do it, but I had to go elsewhere. If I am a media whore, it is because you turned me out to the streets!
And for the dear sweet people who actually wrote something affirming, thank you. No really, thank you very much.
(oh and thanks Alex for the correction.)
joe g: What our friend is called mediahora in swedish as a noun and mediekåt as an adjective.
Peterson är min favoritmediahora.
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